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Intelligent Routing


Seamlessly determine where the next call should be connected to using criteria such as caller’s phone type, geographic location, time of day/day of week, first time/repeat caller and call volume.


Route calls to different target phone numbers or physical locations based on your choice of geographic criteria such as area code, zip code or NPA-NXX (area code plus 3 digit prefix).


By collecting a wide range of customer data, Dial800 implements Intelligent Handshake® to target specific customer demographics, and categorizes customer profiles, which are crucial for marketers. Intelligent Handshake® takes over 500 million phone records and filters the calls against 53,000 unique attributes. The results? Businesses now have access to big data, which means they are able to focus more on increasing and maximizing leads and sales while decreasing talk time.


Dial800 blocks robospam and dead air time calls from reaching live agents. Robospam superficially inflates your monthly telephony bill, wastes agent talk time, and is costly. Spam Shield detects robospam in real-time, even before agents pick up the call.

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Self Service Interface

AccuRoute® gives you complete control of your inbound call traffic. Use a wide array of customized routing rules to define how your calls will be routed. Next, group these rules to create simple to advanced routing profiles that connect your calls in the way that best serves your specific business needs. Log in from anywhere, at any time to manage your routing profiles.


Route calls to different destinations based on the time of day or day of week. Ensure that the best person is available or that a live agent is always available. Scheduled routing can be applied to all calls, or specify call routing based on location. calls that go to specific destinations, ensuring maximum flexibility.


Use uniform call distribution to route calls to different locations, or percentage allocation to route a distinct percentage of calls to each location.

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Complete Number Management

Real-time Ring-To Updates

AccuRoute® call routing gives you full control of where your calls are going. Perform live updates of the Ring-to Numbers assigned to one or many of the toll-free numbers used in your campaigns, simply and quickly. Send calls to the locations that bring your campaign maximum value.


Fully customizable menus are recorded by the client’s choice of voice talent. Messages can be designed for the transition of a call transfer, recorded specifically for each target number. Our IVR’s are interactive to caller-entered digits, recording user selections while routing calls appropriately.


Whenever your prospect or client needs a greeting, or is transferred, you have the power and flexibility of recording a custom message that is played at the appropriate time in their routing profile. These messages can be easily managed via our AccuRoute® self-service interface.


Individual targets can be protected from undesirable calls based on a variety of factors including: user-specified call counts, state-based ANI, cell phone vs. land-line usage and more. Automated re-direction to alternative targets when calls are not answered within a user-specified number of rings, or if the target’s line is already in use.

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Call Data Security

Our robust AccuRoute® engine is the heart of our routing. Spread across multiple geographically disparate servers, the platform is not only powerful; it ensures your calls are routed correctly and consistently.

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Call Routing Open API

AccuRoute® call routing rules can be influenced by your other software applications via our open API. Solve complex routing needs such as call distribution based on external database queries, advanced reporting, or data integration with CRM applications. Our technology experts will work with you to ensure you are able to read, record, and send commands directly to our engine, giving you complete control of your call routing.

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Call Routing AccuRoute®

AccuRoute® intelligent call routing allows you to easily route calls with complete control. Now you can implement custom solutions for all of your call routing needs, maximizing your ROI as well as your customer satisfaction. Create as many routing profiles as you need, and make key routing definitions with just a few mouse clicks.  Call routing is more than just a technology; it’s an advanced solution for optimizing call performance campaigns.

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