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You may have seen ads for the highly successful Pulaski Law Firm PLLC on TV, offering help for those dealing with the aftereffects of dangerous drugs, defective medical devices and products, fraudulent or deceptive business practices or exposure to cancer-causing materials. Most recently, the national firm helped resolve $275 million in claims related to the faulty GM ignition switch.

Thanks to Dial800, the Houston, Texas-based agency is often closely associated with its ubiquitous phone number: 1-800-Bad-Drug. Dial800 chose that strategic number and has since implemented pay-per-call marketing campaigns for that highly successful client.

“If you don’t have a system like Dial800’s as the cornerstone of your business, you are just wasting advertising dollars,” says Pulaski’s VP and marketing consultant Keith Cohn. “In the legal industry, there’s nothing worth more than an inbound call. The follow-up to a web lead is always an outbound call.”

The law firm was founded over 20 years ago and has since focused on fighting for and protecting the rights of individuals injured due to the negligence or wrongful actions of others.

“Over the last 20 years, Pulaski Law Firm has brought thousands of cases to resolution,” notes Cohn. “By utilizing cutting-edge technology to keep our clients updated with recent case developments, we are able to build and maintain strong relationships with all our clients. We treat them not just as business relationships, but as friends.”

Cohn says the firm tried other companies before finding Dial800, then was won over by its vast phone library, comprehensive platform and Concierge service.

We find RapidRecall phone numbers generate significantly more calls than random phone numbers,” he explains. “From a sales perspective, you want to have an interpersonal relationship over a live inbound call. In our business, you have to have a live phone conversation with a client, and that could never be completed through online or digital methods.

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800 Numbers

“It allows us to operate within our entire marketing ecosystem, ”he notes. “From the sales and intake, messaging, media planning and buying to the tracking and reporting, Dial800 has allowed us to do everything. Without the ability to route and deliver calls and track and monitor that data, there would be no reason to advertise in the first place. Advertising in the law industry is driven by metrics, and everything we do has to be measured so we can optimize our marketing.”

Cohn is also a big fan of Dial800’s convenient Concierge Service that assigns clients a dedicated team member for ongoing strategy and activity analysis.

“Time is money, and I can’t do everything,” he adds. “I can depend on our concierge for their expertise and timely follow-up. Our successful partnership with Dial800 is based on transparency and great service.”

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